lunch graphic by <a href="">tnp_hivernoir</a> from <a href="">TheNounProject</a> is licensed under <a href="" title=…

lunch graphic by <a href="">tnp_hivernoir</a> from <a href="">TheNounProject</a> is licensed under <a href="" title="Creative Commons BY 3.0">CC BY 3.0</a>. Check out the new logo that I created on <a href="" title="Logo Maker"></a>


KuriousMinds works with parents seeking smart, practical advice on “how best to identify and provide the best learning experiences for their children.” To this end, Soojung is passionate about sharing best-kept practices, latest trends, and her own learnings with fellow parents through group talks. Her speaking engagements include: private small group sessions, daytime or evening discussions, and workplace lunch & learn sessions. She covers the following modern crucial education topics.

  • Choosing your child’s education (Pre K -12)
  • Identifying critical traits of gifted child and supporting highly capable child (Pre K-Grade 8)
  • Mapping your child’s path to college (Grades 5-12)
  • Planning and preparing for highly selective top private school admissions (K-12)
  • Raising and supporting young entrepreneurs (K-12)
  • Gaining confidence in public speaking (K-12) 

To learn more about these offerings and to discuss which one makes sense for you, click below to schedule a complimentary 15-minute consultation call today.